The Conchological Society of South Africa, or CSSA, is the umbrella organisation for the regional Shell Clubs within South Africa. Our Mission is to create a favourable, inviting, open and relaxed environment within which the shell collecting community may function.
CSSA has an illustrious history which began in May 1958 as the Conchological Society of Southern Africa. The initiative to start the CSSA followed after a group of collectors realised that the stretch of coastline where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet, is a treasure trove for collectors. Our coast is home to a large number of endemic species, and the CSSA provided the official grounds through which information about our species could be communicated to all.
The Mission statement, established in the 1960's, is carried over to the current Society, and reads:
"To further the study of Mollusca in general, and South African Mollusca in particular, and secondly, to add to the existing data and scientific records concerning South African Mollusca."
On a more personal level, our goals are to encourage shell collectors from all walks of life to share their experiences, learn from each other and grow their collections through various forms of trade.
To this end we invite all collectors to participate in monthly Club meetings and shell-related events, contribute to our local publication - The Strandloper - attend Workshops and events, where all can share and learn, and actively participate in our shell raffles, auctions and other trading opportunities within the Clubs.
We invite newcomers to this hobby, or to our organisation, to navigate the Site to see who is who in the zoo, where our meetings are held and how to get hold of us.
Our Constitution was revised and approved on the 13th of August 2022. You may download a copy here.
Society Membership
Membership to CSSA is R100 or $25 per year. Membership affords individuals with the opportunity to receive new copies of The Strandloper, CSSA newsletters, as well as other forms of communication. Automatic appropriation to the Annual General Meeting is also guaranteed.
To access the Membership Application Form, click here.
Completed Application Forms are automatically routed to the CSSA Treasurer.

Who's Who
CSSA Patron
The Society Patron is Mr Johan Marais, who was officially appoined to this position on 14 August 2018.

Current CSSA Committee

Ken Brown

Alwyn Marais
Editor/Scientific Officer

Anton Groenewald

Maurice Evans
Additional Member

Gillian Petzer

Andre Meredith

Shell Clubs
Club Fees
Fees for membership at the regional Shell Clubs is R50 per year.
Shell Club membership affords the individual the opportunity to attend Club meetings, partake in monthly shell raffles, qualify for special Club discounts, partake in outings and enjoy meeting refreshments.
Links to International Shell Clubs
Conchology is a true "international hobby": many collections contain specimens from around the world, and this requires collaboration with overseas collectors and dealers. It is important to network with other Shell Clubs worldwide - sharing of knowledge is very important, and building ties with other collectors is not only recommended to strengthen our knowledge base, but, of course, to make new friends.
Below are links to the websites of some of our international conchological friends - please click and visit!
Broward Shell Club, USA
Chicago Shell Club, USA
Englewood Shell Club, USA
Oregon Shell Club, USA
San Diego Shell Club, USA
Sarasota Shell Club, USA
Sea Shell Searchers, USA
St Pete Shell Club, USA
Brisbane Shell Club, Australia
Sydney Shell Collectors Club, Australia
Belgian Society for Conchology, Belgium
Conquiliologistas do Brasil, Brazil
Czech Shell Club, Czech Republic
German Shell Collectors Club, Germany
Malacological Society of Australasia, Oceania
If you would like to be added to our website, please email the Webmaster and we will gladly do so!
We would love it if you could post a link to our Website on yours as well...)

Get In Touch
Do you have a shell collection you would like to have evaluated to determine value for personal use or for potential resale? Click the "Shell Evaluations" button below and follow the link for more information on how you can contact us to help you with this.
We'd love to hear from you!
Please complete the form below and hit the send button.
Alternately, send an email to one of the addresses at the bottom of the page.

Committee Emails
Ken Brown: brownkenneth924@gmail.com
Anton Groenewald: anton.groenewald@netcare.co.za
Gillian Petzer: gillian.petzer@gmail.com
Alwyn Marais: alwyn@deark.co.za
Maurice Evans: levans@yebo.co.za
Andre Meredith: andrepm32@gmail.com